Blog Summary

This blog presents current controversial political issues, especially using counter mainstream sources and opinions. There is a similar blog in German language, which you can translate online via "Google translation service"

The topics of both blogs:
  • The current global economic crisis
  • Disarmament and de-militarization
  • The present Euro-zone problems
  • International conflict management

From time to time you will also find interesting chess games and music references. 

Stay tuned!

Contact: Burkhard Luber

Who writes this blog?
I am Dr Burkhard Luber. I studied political science and graduated with a Ph.D. in peace research. For a decade I worked in international adult education, then for two decades in disarmament and peace education projects where I have been at many crisis areas and post-war regions - in Serbia, Africa, Kosovo, Colombia, the Caucasus. Currently I prepare for a larger training project on international conflict analysis and management in Nigeria.

This work has globalized my thinking and particularly sharpened my view of the injustices and the violence around the world. But at my work places I also met fantastic colleagues who were not intimidated by the established power and money elites but were creative thinkers who opposed the rulers and fought for a fairer and less violent world. I dedicate this blog to them as well as to the reader.
Why do I start this blog now?
Critical political investigations have always been my interest. Thirty years ago it began with an article in the main German weekly “Der Spiegel” where I analysed the secret militarization of Southern Germany by the American army. Based on these investigations I submitted with my MP colleagues a number of critical parliamentary inquiries.

With the same
motivation I later published the 1st "Atlas of Military Treats in Germany" ( And in order not to be only critical I worked many years as editor of the "Grassroots Good News", a digest of encouraging alternative news, (

My current interest is the present global economic crisis. For a long time I had been seduced by our politicians with their euro-euphoria. But since the quasi-bankruptcy of Greece my eyes have been opened and I see the painful truth: without a mutual solidarity in economic policy, the joint European currency will fail and I also realized that Greece with its numerous faking of government statistics illegally joined the euro zone.

I was very surprised to find a lot of unknown facts of the current monetary and economy crisis when I step by step went through the international press with intensive research and with information exchanges with my foreign colleagues.

First I wrote only letters to the editor and corresponded to my friends and colleagues. But now it makes more sense that I present my analysis plus alternative sources of information and counter mainstream material continuously via putting them on a blog.

After hours:
In addition to my international political commitment described above: With high enthusiasm I am active with my classical guitar and flute. Also I am a passionate online chess player (we can meet on, a keen mountaineer and have a lot of commitments and joy as chairman of the administrative and planning committees of our Protestant local church.

The blog name?
1773 courageous citizens in Boston – resisting the arrogant British colonial rulers – threw a load of tea from the on board of a British merchant ship to protest against the unjust taxation by London.

This impressive, because absolutely non-violent act of civil courage and civil disobedience (in the worthy tradition of the book by David Thoreau "On Civil Disobedience") became known as the "Boston Tea Party" in history and led to the American independence movement. I think, to throw now and then an obsolete “tea barrel “overboard in Germany might inspire our current political debate too.

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