
Chess: Loosing my Queen but winnig the Game

That is another chess player´s delight. If one looses his Queen (as I did in my 13th! move) he gets a justified three question mark.

After this total blackout I was - of course - motivated to resign immeadetly. But - only after that move the interesting game really started! Without motivation I continued playing. The I saw a check option and thought, well one more move. Then I realized another check option and thought, ok, this move too. And so the game continued. I awoke from my frustration and became motivated for a mate net. And one move before my opponent would have been mate he had to counter"sacrifice" his Queen. I was happy after this mental exhaustion that I still had enough energy to change to end game phantacy. And in the end game I got a quick castel advantage. But castles end games - everybody know that - are extremely hard to play, easy to loose and difficult to win. But for reasons whatsoever my chess instinct showed me how to make a queen promotion for my free pawn. This became the third! queen in that game but that was sufficient for my victory. And might be frustrating for my opponent - generally but with after a one queen advantage even more so.

white (Burkhard)
Zug Figur Feld Figur Feld
1Bauere2 - e4

Bauere7 - e5
2Springerg1 - f3

Bauerd7 - d6
3Bauerd2 - d4

Bauere5 x d4
4Springerf3 x d4

Damed8 - e7
5Dame d1 - e2

Läuferc8 - d7
6Springerb1 - c3

Springerb8 - c6
7Springerd4 x c6

Läuferd7 x c6
8Läuferc1 - f4

Königlange Rochade
9Königlange Rochade

Damee7 - f6
10Dame e2 - f3

Turmd8 - e8
11Läuferf1 - d3

Springerg8 - h6
12Turmh1 - e1

Springerh6 - f5
13Bauere4 x f5 ???

Läuferc6 x f3
14Bauerg2 x f3

Turme8 x e1
15Turmd1 x e1

Läuferf8 - e7
16Springerc3 - d5

Damef6 - d4
17Springerd5 x e7

Königc8 - d7
18Läuferf4 - e3

Damed4 - h4
19Läufere3 - d4

Bauerf7 - f6
20Springere7 - d5

Dameh4 x d4
21Turme1 - e7

Königd7 - c6
22Turme7 x c7

Königc6 x d5
23Läuferd3 - e4

Damed4 x e4
24Bauerf3 x e4

Königd5 x e4
25Turmc7 x b7

Könige4 x f5
26Turmb7 x a7

Bauerg7 - g5
27Turma7 - d7

Königf5 - e5
28Bauera2 - a4

Bauerh7 - h5
29Bauera4 - a5

Turmh8 - a8
30Bauerb2 - b4

Könige5 - e6
31Turmd7 - h7

Bauerh5 - h4
32Bauerh2 - h3

Turma8 - f8
33Bauera5 - a6

Könige6 - d5
34Bauera6 - a7

Königd5 - c4
35Turmh7 - b7

Turmf8 - a8
36Bauerb4 - b5

Königc4 - c5
37Bauerb5 - b6

Königc5 - c6
38Turmb7 - b8

Turma8 x a7

b6 x a7 schwarz gibt auf



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