
Early Sunday: No Politics, but an excellent chess game

My best online chess game so far. You know, already in in live chess it is an - admittedly nice - exception, if you sacrifice a knight. But if you sacrifice later - like in the game below - online and under time pressure also a castle (!) to create a mate net and if this plan, which you never can calculate totally in advance of course, succeeds - that is chess player´s delight. With the words of my grand chess teacher Siegbert Tarrasch: "You just have to see that." I totally agree. 
black (Burkhard)
Move Piece Squar

Figur Feld
1Bauere2 - e4

Bauere7 - e5
2Springerg1 - f3

Springerb8 - c6
3Läuferf1 - c4

Läuferf8 - c5
4Bauerd2 - d3

Springerg8 - f6
5Springerf3 - g5

Königkurze Rochade
6Königkurze Rochade

Bauerd7 - d6
7Dame d1 - f3

Bauerh7 - h6
8Springerg5 - h3

Läuferc8 - e6
9Läuferc4 x e6

Bauerf7 x e6
10Dame f3 - g3

Königg8 - h8
11Bauerc2 - c3

Bauerd6 - d5
12Bauere4 x d5

Bauere6 x d5
13Dame g3 - h4

Läuferc5 - e7
14Springerh3 - g5

Springerf6 - h7
15Dame h4 - h5

Läufere7 x g5
16Läuferc1 x g5

Damed8 x g5
17Dame h5 - e2

Springerh7 - f6
18Springerb1 - d2

Turma8 - e8
19Springerd2 - f3

Dameg5 - f5
20Springerf3 - h4

Damef5 - g5
21Springerh4 - f3

Dameg5 - f5
22Bauerh2 - h3

Bauere5 - e4
23Bauerd3 x e4

Turme8 x e4
24Dame e2 - b5

Damef5 - c8
25Dame b5 - c5

Springerc6 - e5
26Springerf3 x e5

Turme4 x e5
27Dame c5 x a7

Bauerb7 - b6
28Dame a7 - a3

Turme5 - g5
29Königg1 - h2

Bauerc7 - c5
30Bauerb2 - b4

Springerf6 - g4 (1st sacrifice)

31Bauerh3 x g4

Turmg5 x g4
32Bauerb4 x c5

Damec8 - c7
33Bauerg2 - g3

Turmg4 - h4
34Königh2 - g2

Turmh4 - g4
35Bauerc5 x b6

Turmf8 x f2 (2nd sacrifice)

36Königg2 x f2

Damec7 x g3
37Königf2 - e2

Turmg4 - e4
38Könige2 - d2

Dameg3 - e3
39Königd2 - c2

Damee3 - e2
40Königc2 - b3

Damee2 - c4
41Königb3 - c2

Turme4 - e2
42Königc2 - b1

Damec4 - e4
43Königb1 - c1

Damee4 - c2 (mate)

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