I work as Web-journalist and trainer for international NGOs. My trainings brought me to the Balkan, Caucasus, Africa and Columbia.
Here is a presentation of my work:
My Training Approach:
Violence might be attractive at 1st glance, but it is a blind road in the long run. This is my experience at many hot spots where I do my trainings: In Bosnia, the Caucasus, Africa, Kosovo and South America.
My training workshops address political conflict analysis and conflict resolution and they focus on better reality awareness, communication and interaction for individuals and groups for more peaceful interaction.
My aim is to make participants in the workshops more sensitive, how to understand the main aspects of political conflicts and also to enlarge their individual and group potential to address “inner conflicts” like stress, work overload and wrong perceptions of reality.
My academic background is peace research; I took my Ph.D. in conflict management. Later I have worked in the peace education area and now my commitment is consulting and training for international NGOs.
The pattern of my Training Courses for NGOs:
My training focus are Conflict Resolution and Relaxation Exercises against work stress and burnout-syndroms.
The concrete program of each training is finalized in communication between me and the corresponding NGO prior to the training date. Thus NGOs can submit their wishes to which points should be given special emphasis in the training.
Time: Weekend
Place: On the Location of the NGO
Language: English.
Handouts: After the training the NGO will get a CD with web links and files covering the topics of the training
Certificate: Drafted according to the wishes of the NGO
Costs: $500 plus refund of travel and accommodation costs
NGOs interested in arranging a training seminar for their members can contact me via email to hubluber@web.de
Training Workshop for Conflict Resolution:
This workshop identifies main types of political conflicts, presents examples of successful conflict management and addresses basic skills for individual and group conflict resolution.
Beside short topic inputs, the workshop includes practical group exercises for expanding the individual basis for successful conflict resolution and substantial Questions and Answers units.
Workshop Topics:
- Conflict Typology
- Main Approaches of Conflict Resolution:
- Presenting international conflict case studies and what we can learn from them.
Beside these topic inputs there will be periodical Question and Answer periods and a number of short practical exercises for group confidence building, rising of personal awareness, improving of positive listening under stress etc.
No special pre-requirements or knowledge necessary but willingness for a constructive attitude towards the workshop. Satisfactory English language capacity.
Training "Steps For Inner Peace":
Stress, Burn-out syndroms and workaholism are unfortunately a growing symptom in NGOs. Often the time of recreation and reflection is much shorter than the many hours spent with exhaustive activities in the field or office.
This weekend course is a new approach to help NGO workers to find possibilities for making a constructive break within their hard routine work. During such a course participants will explore the potential of reflection and dealing more friendly with their soul and body, so that new energy can flow into their commitments afterwards.
The course includes elements of:
- Meditation in silence
- Body exercises for relaxation
- Contemplative music and text listening
- Confidence Training in the group
- Counselling periods for back-home problems
CV of Burkhard Luber:
Doctor`s Degree in Peace Research
Extensive teaching for conflict analysis and peace work
Management of numerous projects for international conflict resolution
Director of TANGO (Training Agency for international NGOs)
After Hours: Guitar, Chess, Flute, Mountaineering
Email Contact: hubluber@web.de

Stop! Here starts the Blog "From the Grassroots". Refrain from reading. You leave the land of conventional wisdom. Here is the blog against which your parents have always warned you: Uncomfortable, ready for resistance and open to the unconvential truth. This blog is counter mainstream - all the way uphill to the source if necessary. For risks and side-effects: do not ask your doctor, ask better hubluber@web.de. And: Be sand, not oil in the gears of the world!
The new German President, Chess and Shakespeare
Good morning Mr President, best wishes, Christian!
Now you are where wanted to be. Or better: where your party colleague wanted you to be. Now you are no longer a competitor for her.
Your election was not so smart, so be modest. The great poet in Stratford knew: The crown is hollow. We in Germany have abolished crowns alltogether, exactly 100 years ago when hopefully you will be at the end of your 2nd term.
Shakespeare was right and I can confirm that with my online chess game which I played yesterday during your election: My co-player had gained already two nice queens and I myself was ready to give up my crown.
But - surprise - my opponent had neglected a stalemate draw. Now he sat in the middle of his three golden crowns which did not give him an advantage any longer.
Therefore: Be not arrogant. Start your think tank in Bellevue, but don´t forget: We are the people and we are able to think, too. For example the majority of us thinks: Bring our boys home from Afghanistan! No, you must not say that tomorrow at your reception. Truths need time. But keep watching. And before going to bed you might remember the great poet:
Within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king
Keeps Death his court and there the antic sits,
Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp,
Allowing him a breath, a little scene,
To monarchize, be fear'd and kill with looks,
Infusing him with self and vain conceit,
As if this flesh which walls about our life,
Were brass impregnable, and humour'd thus
Comes at the last and with a little pin
Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king!
Ok Christian, I warned you against the gloomy light of power. I can share with you my experience as chairman of a small NGO: if you rise, the air becomes thinner and if there are problems at the grassroots, you realize how lonely you are. Nevertheless: Congratulations and have a good start!
Now you are where wanted to be. Or better: where your party colleague wanted you to be. Now you are no longer a competitor for her.
Your election was not so smart, so be modest. The great poet in Stratford knew: The crown is hollow. We in Germany have abolished crowns alltogether, exactly 100 years ago when hopefully you will be at the end of your 2nd term.
Shakespeare was right and I can confirm that with my online chess game which I played yesterday during your election: My co-player had gained already two nice queens and I myself was ready to give up my crown.
But - surprise - my opponent had neglected a stalemate draw. Now he sat in the middle of his three golden crowns which did not give him an advantage any longer.
Therefore: Be not arrogant. Start your think tank in Bellevue, but don´t forget: We are the people and we are able to think, too. For example the majority of us thinks: Bring our boys home from Afghanistan! No, you must not say that tomorrow at your reception. Truths need time. But keep watching. And before going to bed you might remember the great poet:
Within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king
Keeps Death his court and there the antic sits,
Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp,
Allowing him a breath, a little scene,
To monarchize, be fear'd and kill with looks,
Infusing him with self and vain conceit,
As if this flesh which walls about our life,
Were brass impregnable, and humour'd thus
Comes at the last and with a little pin
Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king!
Ok Christian, I warned you against the gloomy light of power. I can share with you my experience as chairman of a small NGO: if you rise, the air becomes thinner and if there are problems at the grassroots, you realize how lonely you are. Nevertheless: Congratulations and have a good start!
Early Sunday: No Politics, but an excellent chess game
My best online chess game so far. You know, already in in live chess it is an - admittedly nice - exception, if you sacrifice a knight. But if you sacrifice later - like in the game below - online and under time pressure also a castle (!) to create a mate net and if this plan, which you never can calculate totally in advance of course, succeeds - that is chess player´s delight. With the words of my grand chess teacher Siegbert Tarrasch: "You just have to see that." I totally agree.
white | black (Burkhard) | ||||||||
Move | Piece | Squar | Figur | Feld | |||||
1 | Bauer | e2 - e4 | Bauer | e7 - e5 | |||||
2 | Springer | g1 - f3 | Springer | b8 - c6 | |||||
3 | Läufer | f1 - c4 | Läufer | f8 - c5 | |||||
4 | Bauer | d2 - d3 | Springer | g8 - f6 | |||||
5 | Springer | f3 - g5 | König | kurze Rochade | |||||
6 | König | kurze Rochade | Bauer | d7 - d6 | |||||
7 | Dame | d1 - f3 | Bauer | h7 - h6 | |||||
8 | Springer | g5 - h3 | Läufer | c8 - e6 | |||||
9 | Läufer | c4 x e6 | Bauer | f7 x e6 | |||||
10 | Dame | f3 - g3 | König | g8 - h8 | |||||
11 | Bauer | c2 - c3 | Bauer | d6 - d5 | |||||
12 | Bauer | e4 x d5 | Bauer | e6 x d5 | |||||
13 | Dame | g3 - h4 | Läufer | c5 - e7 | |||||
14 | Springer | h3 - g5 | Springer | f6 - h7 | |||||
15 | Dame | h4 - h5 | Läufer | e7 x g5 | |||||
16 | Läufer | c1 x g5 | Dame | d8 x g5 | |||||
17 | Dame | h5 - e2 | Springer | h7 - f6 | |||||
18 | Springer | b1 - d2 | Turm | a8 - e8 | |||||
19 | Springer | d2 - f3 | Dame | g5 - f5 | |||||
20 | Springer | f3 - h4 | Dame | f5 - g5 | |||||
21 | Springer | h4 - f3 | Dame | g5 - f5 | |||||
22 | Bauer | h2 - h3 | Bauer | e5 - e4 | |||||
23 | Bauer | d3 x e4 | Turm | e8 x e4 | |||||
24 | Dame | e2 - b5 | Dame | f5 - c8 | |||||
25 | Dame | b5 - c5 | Springer | c6 - e5 | |||||
26 | Springer | f3 x e5 | Turm | e4 x e5 | |||||
27 | Dame | c5 x a7 | Bauer | b7 - b6 | |||||
28 | Dame | a7 - a3 | Turm | e5 - g5 | |||||
29 | König | g1 - h2 | Bauer | c7 - c5 | |||||
30 | Bauer | b2 - b4 | Springer | f6 - g4 (1st sacrifice) | |||||
31 | Bauer | h3 x g4 | Turm | g5 x g4 | |||||
32 | Bauer | b4 x c5 | Dame | c8 - c7 | |||||
33 | Bauer | g2 - g3 | Turm | g4 - h4 | |||||
34 | König | h2 - g2 | Turm | h4 - g4 | |||||
35 | Bauer | c5 x b6 | Turm | f8 x f2 (2nd sacrifice) | |||||
36 | König | g2 x f2 | Dame | c7 x g3 | |||||
37 | König | f2 - e2 | Turm | g4 - e4 | |||||
38 | König | e2 - d2 | Dame | g3 - e3 | |||||
39 | König | d2 - c2 | Dame | e3 - e2 | |||||
40 | König | c2 - b3 | Dame | e2 - c4 | |||||
41 | König | b3 - c2 | Turm | e4 - e2 | |||||
42 | König | c2 - b1 | Dame | c4 - e4 | |||||
43 | König | b1 - c1 | Dame | e4 - c2 (mate) |
Joke about the German Foreign Minister
How the German State department establishment bashes its Foreign Minister:
"Westerwelle? He has not objections against foreign countries. He just has no interest for them."
(Zitat aus SZ 26.6.10, S.8 / Bildquelle unten: Auswärtiges Amt)
Excellent: A General quitting the war!
The surge of the US military in Afghanistan does not work. The Taliban ejust wait for the final US retreat next year. Obama's idea for a final military achievement in the South went soar: the number of killed GIs in Afghanistan is at its peak. Now the commander himself has put himsel offside with his aggressive statements against the politicians in Washington and had to be replaced. (Why? Click here for the full story). Was he frustrated that the president and his deputy are in charge for the war, not he?
Quote on Thursday: The Euro: It´s a bad idea. It won´t last"
"The European debt bubble will become larger and the danger increases, that this bubble will burst with a much larger bang than the bang if Greece would have gone default properly" (Hans-Werner Sinn, CEO of the Ifo economy research institute in Munich). He is sure: Only the menace of going default and high interest rates can achieve enough discipline of the deficit spending countries. But Europe has forfeited this instrument with its decision for the financial rescue package. If he is right, the future of the Euro looks gloomy. Rüdiger Dornbusch, an economist who died in 2002, summarized it: "It can´t happen. It´s a bad idea. It won´t last."
(SZ 23.6.10, S.20)
financial crises,
monetary crisis
Finally: Germany start Disarmament
Good news! I am totally perplexed when reading in my local newspaper: "German submarines out of duty" Disarmament in Germany? A long nourished dream of the German peace movement is operationalized now - 30 years after our anti-military prostests?
And it is no dream. What disarmament specialist (like me) have found as overdue but never has been a political option is now on the agenda of our young Defense Minister. With no fuss 60% of the German submarine is no longer on duty.
Though many people in Germany have asked, which contributions those arch-gadgets of the German navy give for the securtity of our country, but so far each criticism against them was taboo. But now - horribly - the navy fans cannot inspect submarines at the Kiel marine exhibition any longer. And Germany is ranked now only on the shameful rank of only No 6 - lower than the bankrupt Greece - what a tragedy.
It would be nice, if that is only the start of a much more comprehensive de-militarization in Germany. I am pretty sure: if one checks the German military with enough disarmament phantacy, you will find beside those - obviously totally irrelevant - submarines a lot of other military obsolete gadgets, with which our troops are still playing for a long time.
What about our battle tanks? Almost 400 of them are cruising every year in our country, spending expensive gas, using expensive ammunition and keep our GIs busy. And nobody is asking: why?
But it is unresponsible that Germany decreases the social welfare payments and simultaneously the German military did not make any contributions for the state savings program for years. But with our new Defense Minister we may see a new start of the disarmament debate and our navy becomes the lead figure of the German disarmament movement. Congratulations!
What about our battle tanks? Almost 400 of them are cruising every year in our country, spending expensive gas, using expensive ammunition and keep our GIs busy. And nobody is asking: why?
But it is unresponsible that Germany decreases the social welfare payments and simultaneously the German military did not make any contributions for the state savings program for years. But with our new Defense Minister we may see a new start of the disarmament debate and our navy becomes the lead figure of the German disarmament movement. Congratulations!
U23 in Fahrt. Foto: Frank Behling
Quelle: FB, Frank Behling, Kieler Nachrichten
Link: http://deutscher-marinebund.blog.de/2010/06/04/deutsche-marine-legt-sechs-u-boote-sofort-stil-8732370/
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